On behalf of the Association of American Law Schools, thank you being a presenter at the Conference on Clinical Legal Education – Lawyering with Creativity and For Equity and Workshop for New Law School Clinical Teachers. We are delighted you will be virtually joining law faculty from around the country and we look forward to working with you to make this an exciting and informative event.
The virtual platform provider for the conference is Open Water using Zoom technology.
We encourage all presenters to register for the AALS Clinical Conference by 11:59 pm Eastern on Thursday, April 28, 2022. Registration will remain open through the last day of the conference but if you run into problems registering, access to the conference could be delayed.
For many law school faculty, your registration fee has been paid in advance by your law school. Register with your school email address to be charged a fee of $0. You can view a list of schools that have paid the fee on the registration site.
If you are law faculty from a school that opted not to accept the school registration rate, you may register individually at a rate of $240.
If you are not with a law school, we have registered you as fee-waived. If you have not received a confirmation of your registration, please let us know at [email protected].
If you encounter an error message or have any other issues with the registration portal, please contact [email protected].
On your registration, please indicate on that you are a Presenter. You also have the option of allowing your presenter record to display in the Conference Attendee Directory. Once you select “Yes” on your registration form to show in the Directory, you will then have the be able to upload you photo and bio (maximum 220 words.) You can return to your registration at any time to update. Once you complete your profile, your bio and photo will be displayed on the virtual schedule when attendees register and sign up for sessions.
Register Here! Conference Webpage
Your session will be held in a Zoom meeting. Before the day of your session, please ensure you have downloaded the most recent version of Zoom. Participants will be muted upon entry, and only participants with their cameras on will be visible.
Tech staff from our vendor, OpenWater, will begin each session and monitor throughout. As a presenter, please join your session as a “Co-Host” 15 minutes in advance of session start time. The chat function will be on in every session. As usual, please note that all attendees and presenters can see and participate in the chat unless you privately message an individual. You will be able to share your screen; only presenters may do so. If sharing your screen, it is recommended you close all other windows/applications.
If you encounter difficulties during your session, contact the live support team via the blue chat widget in the lower right corner of the screen. OpenWater techs will be available to respond and troubleshoot any issues for presenters and participants.
Presenter Training
A recorded presenter training session was prepared by Open Water. It is available for you to watch at your convenience: Presenter Training Video
Written presenter instructions were prepared for the January 2022 Annual Meeting but also pertain to the Clinical Conference. Please review here.
Accessibility of Presentations
AALS welcomes conference participants with disabilities. The conference Planning Committee has prepared general guidelines to keep in mind to make your session and materials accessible, especially for participants with visual or hearing impairment. Kindly review these Accessibility Guidelines.
Breakouts & Polling Availability
You will be able to use breakout rooms and poll attendees. If you plan to have breakouts or poll attendees of your session, we will need to know in advance. Please complete this online form no later than Friday, April 22 to submit your breakouts and polling questions.
Handouts/Session Materials
You may submit up to five handouts using the Handout Submission Form; your handouts are due Friday, April 22. The handouts will be posted and available to participants under the session listing within the virtual platform. Note: if you already submitted handouts via our Online Submission Form, there is no need to submit them again.
Recording Opt Out
Very few sessions will be recorded (only the New Teachers Workshop plenaries, two Conference plenaries and two Awards Presentations.) The majority of sessions will not be recorded. If you do not want your presentation to be recorded, please complete and sign the Recording Opt Out form and email to [email protected] no later than April 22.
Day Prior Reminder Email
You can expect to receive an email reminder the day prior to your session. The email will remind you to join the session 15 minutes prior to the session start time in order to get set up properly with the session monitor/technician.
If you have questions about your presentation topic, please contact your session organizer who invited you to speak. For any other general session questions, please contact [email protected]
For registration questions, please contact [email protected].