AALS will follow the CDC, the city of San Francisco, and the State of California regarding vaccination and masking requirements during the Clinical Conference. Check below for the latest information and resources.
We strongly encourage all participants, including presenters, attendees, exhibitors, staff, guests, and vendors, to take the following additional precautions:
COVID-19 Vaccinations
For everyone’s comfort, safety, and confidence in returning to an in-person environment, AALS strongly encourages all participants at the AALS meeting to be fully vaccinated and up to date. Per the CDC definitions of these terms:
“Full vaccination” means that either 14 days have passed since receiving a single-dose vaccine or the second dose of a double-dosed vaccine.
“Up to date” means a person has completed their primary series of COVID-19 vaccinations and has received the most recent booster dose(s) recommended to them.
We strongly encourage attendees who are eligible to receive their COVID-19 booster prior to attending the AALS meeting.
COVID-19 Testing
AALS strongly encourages participants to test for COVID-19 prior to traveling to the AALS meeting. Attendees who test positive should stay home and cancel your registration. If you are on-site and test positive for COVID-19, please contact AALS staff by emailing AALS Registration. We also encourage you to test for COVID-19 after you return home from your trip.
All participants at AALS events are strongly encouraged to wear masks with at least 3 layers (KN95, KF94, or N95) in all meeting event spaces, except while presenting on stage or at podium or actively eating/drinking. Masks should cover both the mouth and nose. Please honor any requests from your fellow attendees to mask up and/or maintain physical distancing. See the CDC section on face coverings and masks, including COVID-19 Community Levels.