The Planning Committee for the 2025 AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education welcomes proposals for programs in the following categories:

  • Concurrent Sessions (60 minutes)
  • Lightning Sessions (30 minutes)
  • Poster Presentations
  • Workshops

Proposals are due Monday, October 7. Please carefully review the complete RFP below before submitting a proposal.

Eligibility Requirements

The Planning Committee prefers proposals that include three or more presenters, and encourages presenters to work together to form groups that can create cohesive, coordinated “power proposals” that may include more people. The Committee encourages proposals that combine ideas and presenters from multiple clinical perspectives such as externship, in-house, and hybrid clinics or other clinical formats. 

Faculty members including adjunct faculty and fellows at AALS member and fee-paid schools are eligible to submit proposals or serve as presenters. International faculty, visiting faculty (who do not retain a permanent affiliation at another law school), graduate students, and non-law school faculty may serve as presenters. Concurrent or lightning session presenters, poster presenters, and workshop leaders must pay the registration fee and are responsible for their own expenses for attendance at the Conference.